Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Pink beverages

One of my favorite exam questions asks which research method would be most appropriate to test a hypothesis, held by manufacturers of citrus beverages, that some men will secretly be embarrassed to consume pink lemonade since they may find the beverage too "sissy." The preferred answer is projective research--asking the respondent what someone else similar to him might feel. It is easier to admit that another man's manhood may be threatened by a "feminine" beverage that it is to admit that about one self.

Imagine my delight when, in tonight's episode of Gilmore Girls, Rory celebrated her twenty-first birthday, and her grandmother invented the "Rory" in her honor. The drink contained a number of obnoxious components and was quite pink. Rory's grandmother, Emily, gave Luke a hard time about his apparent discomfort with the drink--it was supposed to be feminine!

Personally, I would prefer to avoid this drink. It is not the color that is threatening my manhood, but I am a firm believer in temperance. Without the alcohol, it might be OK. ;)


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